Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Here are some poems from people.

By Jillian T.

Valintines is here
it's time for love and candy
Valintines is here
February, the love month
smile, it's Valintines!

By Jillian T.

Purple, pink, and blue
red, orange, and yellow too
colors of rainbows
all the colors are pretty
opps, don't forget green

By Jillian T.

It was brown, mis-shaped
it smelled musty, felt bumpy
and crisp it crunched just
like Autumn

By Jillian T.

I love to read books
I love fantasy, all then
I really love all

By Jillian T.

The wind was blowing
it was snowing now

By Jillian T.

A swan in the lake
going far, far, far away
i'll never see it again

By Jillian T.

Six stitches at once,
I think it is probably hard,
but she claims it didn't

By unknown

Along the beach
footprints fill witht the sea
fill with the sea
until they disappear
leaving only sand, only sea

By unknown

Lighting splits the sky
and for a moment we see
an empty playhouse
and just as suddenly
the back yard is black again

By unknown

Early October
a sugar maple ablaze
at the end of the pond
its fire reflected
in the still water

By unknown

The chestnut vendor
must shout to be heard above
the October winds
his words rise, sail away
like the thin smoke from his stove

Hope you like them! Jillian O.

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