About my new cat who is named Fluffhead I wrote a post about him if you can find it anyway I am getting him in 2 weeks on a Friday with my uncle. So it is double great! My uncle is coming to visit and we are getting a new cat!
Also my sister, Brooklynn is going to soccer next week. She did it before but she is nervous. Can you cheer her up with nice comments to help? She really will be happy and not as nervous. Thanks! I depend on you guys! I really know you can!
Next I went horse back riding yesterday. It was fun. We groomed our horse named Blue and he had lots of fur we brushed out! Next he was super soft. Then we rode him slowly. We learned how to do techniques on him. Anyway it was fun and we got to put on the saddle and everything! We have to drive all the way to Washington to get there! Also I met Cody and said hi to the big black horse and to Belle and I even saw a horse for sale who had a white dot on his eyeball. He went to the vet and he was fine. Also we even got to pick out the dirt and rocks out of Blue's foot! We even gave him treats. Then fed him.
Next I am taking violin next week. For 6 weeks I am doing it. Also we do it on Mondays and Wednesdays. It sucks sometimes and I plead my mom to make me quit. It sucks. But she always says its part of my learning skills. The librarian Mrs.VB is mean and tells us to be quiet and to sit up and she yells yells yells! Its driving me crazy! Also we do songs over and over again and its pretty much boring. Sometimes its so hard to read the notes I cry but try to hold it. I try to ask to go to the bathroom and they don't when I really have to cry. Sometimes Ms.VB yells at me about something people don't really care about like "Sit up more straight!" or "Quiet! We need to work!" Its annoying! She is so mean! I wish she was fired. Or even sent to a zoo of human eating tigers. Or what about into the middle of space. That is why I hate violin practice.
Anyway my sister we found out is scared of Bigfoot even if its her favorite animal. She is more scared at night when Bigfoot is active. There was sightings here in my state of Bigfoot that is why she is scared. Also she heard that he might come breaking into your house. So she always asks us if the doors are closed every night like 100 times! Can you courage her to not be scared because its driving me nuts! Comment below!
Have a nice day!
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