Hi again! Fast huh? Well here is About Dogs 2 hope you enjoy it!
Lets talk about the heart now. They have about the same heart as us but a little smaller or bigger. It just depends how big the dog is. Like us they carry red blood cells around the body that helps carry oxygen. Also dog blood carries more oxygen than human blood did you know? When the dog needs more oxygen its spleen can squirt out extra red blood cells into the blood. Humans can't do that. Super dog athletes like sled-pulling Alaskan malamutes and sprinting grey hounds, have so many extra blood cells that their blood ends up all being thick and goopy. Their heart and pump a lot of blood!
Now lets talk about the lungs. Lungs on dogs are very much like the same as our lungs. But if you image lungs inside just pink or red your wrong. Inside lungs they have a big long tube that attaches to the top. Then little branch-looking things are inside the lungs. They are called branches. At the tip of the branches they have these mini looking balls that you can only see through a microscope. They are called capillaries. Inside the capillaries there more mini yellowish balls called alveoli. Blood cells pass the alveoli to collect air to bring to the heart and back. Thats their job for animals and humans. Here are some tongue signs when they are panting.
1. Tongue loose, floppy, and relaxed means hot and tired but happy.
2. Tongue tense, flattened, and curled up at the end like a spoon or spatula means tense and stressed.
Now here are some urine signs. ( Urine means the yellowish liquid coming out of you or the word pee.) When a dog drinks water everybody knows it will start coming out soon. But the urine is stored in the dog's bladder until the dog gets rid of it by urinating. Also dogs use their urine to communicate to other dogs Its easiest to notice with male dogs, who lift their legs to mark trees, rocks, walls, fire hydrants, and all kinds of other things when they are out on a walk. The urine also contains special scent chemicals. The scent marking mostly says to other dogs " This is me. I was here. This is my territory."
Now lets start with the baby born thing called Reproductive. Puppies who are born have a lot of brothers and sisters. The usual size of a litter is between 3 and 9. But litters can be bigger! The world record is 24 Neapolitan mastiff puppies! Its also possible for different puppies within a litter to have different fathers. A female dog can become pregnant only during certain times, when she is said to be " in heat." Females get into heat twice a year. If you don't want your female to have babies you cna bring it to your vet to neuter your dog. When the pup is 60 days old it will come out of its mothers tummy. So it could be 2 months. When puppies are born they can't see or hear yet. It might take 2 weeks for it to open its ears and eyes. Same for us babies.
Do you know how to count a dogs age not like 1 2 3 4 5. They grow faster than humans. For example When its one year old its 16. You count by eights and when your dog is two that means its 24. Then when it turns 3 its 29 and you start counting by fives until it dies. Easy Peesy Lemon Squizy.
Now lets talk about the intestines of Digestion. The parts for digestion is the mouth, esophagus, stomach, large intestine, small intestine, and rectum. If you don't know what rectum means it means where the waste comes out like you know. Do you know what digestive enzymes are? Well they are chemicals that break down food. They're made by organs such as the stomach, liver, and pancreas. When you see a dog not chewing so much on food it's because they chomp off big pieces of food and swallow it down. Even though they have back molars in their mouth which are back teeth, the dog's teeth just aren't built for chewing just like us people. Dogs don't just eat meat but sometimes they eat plant material. The diet for a wild dog is mostly 80 percent of meat. If you ever got kissed from a dog they just have very slobbery tongue kisses. The saliva is not just for breaking down food its also known for senses and keeping the dog cool when she/he pants. The saliva helps break down food to swallow. That is why saliva is so important. The senses hep the dog taste not for feeling the air like a snake does. Saliva helps dogs detect flavor molecules unless they're dissolved in liquid saliva. If you don't know your dogs favorite flavor its meat. They have the same flavors as yours: sweet, bitter, salty, umami, and sour. Did you know that when dogs poop they can communicate to other dogs? In the skin they're are two sacs that produce scent chemicals. So when a dog poops it can squeeze a little of that scent to the poop. Be careful what your dog eats they can become dangerously sick like anti-freeze from cars. Or chocolate or even this chemical called ethylene glycol. Theobromine is very poisonous to dogs as well.
Okay we will stop there and I will tell you the rest in my next post. Bye!
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