Hola! (Hello). Today I'll tell you the best things you should get at a birthday party foThat r your pet or somebody eles's.
1. A pet-free cake. Make a cake that doesn't include human food. For example if i's for a cat use different cat treats for sprinkles. Use squishy cat food for frosting. And use hard cat food for the base. Also use dry food for more sprinkles. If you add a candle don't light it. Sometimes wax can get in your pets food and can make them sick. just put it in and then take it out after singing Happy Birthday.
You can also use for a dog. Squishy dog food for frosting. Dog treats for sprinkles. Dry food for decor. And hard food for base.
For birds use squishy cat food for frosting. You can also add worms in there and seeds. Use seeds for sprinkles and pieces of lettuce and carrots. Never use dry cat food that can kill them from choking. So choking hazard.
For hamsters use regular food and then add strawberries on top and other fruits. You can also add little insects that are right. That will be a good enough feast. You can alos feed this cake to gerbils, chinchillas, mice, guinea pigs, rats, ferrets, and rabbits.
For snakes use a pile of insects and bits of cat food and dog food. And maybe some fruit. Then that will be good. This could also work on lizards, salamanders, and frogs.
For fish you can't feed them too much. So use a very expensive, delicate, fish food thats very yummy or use a type of fish food that your fish loves.
For turtles they would want lots of fruit and insects for their cake thats what makes them happy. Try to make a pile and stick them into a shape of a cake.
For insects go online to see what type of food they eat. Then make a shape of a cake for them. This also includes spiders and scorpions.
Sorry. Can't make the post bigger just read part 2 for more info.
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