Hello! Today we are going to talk about owls. So should we start?
Owls are carnivores or meat eaters they eat voles, mice, rats, snakes, small rabbits and sometimes eggs. They lay about 3-7 eggs at a time and they come at night which means they are nocturnal. If you see an owl with ear tufts on each side then that means the category is a true owl and if you see an owl without ear tufts then the category is false owl but it doesn't mean that it is not an owl but that is the two owl categories. Some of the false owls are barn owls, Great Gray owls, snowy owls and others. Some of the true owls are great horned owls and others. Owls are sometimes brown, white, black, yellow or orange in color. Owls have beaks and talons ( claws ) that help them catch their prey. If a very small owl like the saw-whet can't find food they will eat insects instead. Owls live for about 8 or more years and they have feathers to keep them warm. They have beaks that are shaped like a crooked fat nail. They are threatened by habitat loss and other animals eating their food they need to eat to survive. Most animals eat their eggs and trees are chopped down to kill owls and owl eggs. Owls are also my favorite animal and I have seen a barn owl. Some people believe that if you hear 2 hoots of an owl you get bad luck but I don't believe it. I think it is a legend or some early travelers just thought of that. But that is about owls.
I got to go now Bye!
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