Wednesday, September 28, 2011

My Backyard

Hello! Remember the post about my new house? Well you know my new backyard? So today I am going to do more details of my backyard because my other post was supposed to tell more details about it but I didn't think you could read all that so now is the chance. My backyard is pretty cool. It is a forest backyard with many trees but not very much people get a forest backyard it's kinda rare. So as I was explaining about my backyard that it has a fountain sometimes if my sister and I find a dead bug like a grasshopper or ant we pick it up and drop it in the fountain for the bug's death bed. Sometimes I put my feet in the fountain or hands but after that I have to go in the shower or bath. One time we saw a cat in the backyard and it dug a hole in our plants and we didn't know what was happening and it picked up a dead bird and dropped it on the ground and left it there and then the cat left. So we took a photo of the bird and put a flower by it and then left. After four days we checked to see if it was there and there it was sitting there at the same spot. So I guess it was a present by the cat a bird. So my dad took a shovel and scooped it up and then we buried the bird. We also buried the flower with the bird. We put the bird in a spiky leafy place were animals can't get it and if the animals tried they will get a thorn. We also have 4 squirrels in our backyard 3 of them are scared of us and the other one is opposite she is brave my dad told me one day that he put a peanut in his hand and Mishca is what we named her took the peanut out of his hand and ate it. Also we have pet Steller's Jays they come from morning to evening when we throw peanuts out they swoop down and munch on their meal. We have fat ones and skinny ones and small ones and big ones. The Steller's Jays are blue and a black feathery mohawk on it's head the females are small and lighter blue with no black mohawk. But there are a lot more males then females. Females are very hard to find. We also have a hummingbird feeder witch is filled with nectar. But we haven't seen one yet but we noticed it went lower. We also have 8 bird feeders for tiny birds. It has millions of tiny seeds in there. We also have a squirrel feeder. You just put peanuts or anything else that squirrels eat and they go inside and the squirrels go munching away. Also we have lots of flowers and bushes in the backyard and also a table with four chairs on the deck and one table with two chairs by the fountain. We are also thinking of getting a fire pit or a hot tub outside. We even have hairy spiders out there that have black and white striped legs and red on the rest of the body and are about 2 inches or one inch. We even have a buddha by the fountain. We also have a real creek that runs down the forest backyard and my family believes that skunks,raccoons, deer, coyotes and owls come at night. We even have rocks under the deck and a green fence witch means you can't go any farther in the forest backyard. Sometimes we see an orange cat named Bonnie witch lives somewhere in my neighborhood comes in our backyard. You know that cat that had the killed the bird and we buried the bird well that cat lives in this neighborhood somewhere too but we don't know his name so we gave him a nickname witch is Tylon.

Okay I need to go because I playing with my sister of falling off the couch with tricks game. So bye!

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